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1:1 Chromebook Initiative Training

All seventh-12th grade students have the opportunity to receive a Chromebook to use at school each day. With parental permission, students are also allowed to take the Chromebooks home. 

To be able to use the Chromebook at school and home, you must meet the following requirements:

1. Attend a Chromebook training session with members of the GCPS Technology Department or your librarian. 
2. Turn in a signed copy of the Acceptable Use Policy.
3. Turn in a signed Device Agreement Form.  

You have been directed to this page because you were unable to attend a training session in person. To fulfill the training requirements, you must complete all of the following:

  1. Watch the 1:1 Chromebook Initiative video.
  2. Read  these additional resources:
    Chromebook Guidelines & Cyber Citizenship
    1:1 Presentation - Dell 3100
  3. Take the 1:1 Chromebook Initiative Review and pass it with a score of 80% or above.

Once you have returned the Acceptable Use Policy, the GCPS 1:1 Device Agreement Form, and you have passed the training requirements, your Chromebook will be set up and delivered to the librarian at your school. You will then be able to check out your Chromebook.