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SchoolCash Online

What is SchoolCash Online? 

SchoolCash Online allows parents to easily make online payments for their students' school fees and: 

  • Track school items and activity fees. 
  • Stay connected by receiving email notifications of new fees. 
  • View and print receipts. 

Already have an account? Log in here.

How to register:

There are two ways for parents to create an account:

  1. Our SchoolCash Online system sends an invitation email to priority one contacts(*), who can click a link to start the registration process and attach their student(s) to their profile. They can then optionally make their students available to the profiles of a family member, assuming that a family member has created an account.
  2. Any parent can create an account by visiting our division's SchoolCash Online page.

*At the time of registration(new students)/re-registration(returning students) families would have selected this individual as the first person for schools to contact.

Note: Only the priority one contact can add students to their profile. Priority one contacts must add additional users in order for them to submit payments. 

SchoolCash Online support

The Parent Help Desk for SchoolCash Online contains a FAQ and troubleshooting information. If you have any additional questions or concerns that cannot be answered by the Help Desk, please contact your school's bookkeeper.