Communicating with your Child's School
Greene County Public Schools is committed to listening to parents and community members to make decisions in the best interest of children. As in any professional organization, we want our staff to treat all adults with respect and patience. We, in return, expect the same courtesy from parents and/or community members. We understand that we are accountable for the provision of a quality educational experience for students, but we also recognize that educating and training students is a shared responsibility involving schools, parents, and the community at large.
Chain of communication: When a parent has an issue with the actions of a teacher, an occurrence in the classroom, or some other school-related event, the parent should: First: contact the teacher directly. Second: if the teacher does not respond within a reasonable amount of time, he or she should contact a building administrator. In most cases, an assistant principal should be contacted first. Third: if the parent has spoken to the building assistant principal or principal and is not satisfied with the results of the conversation(s), the parent can contact the school board office and speak to one of the assistant superintendents. Fourth: if still not satisfied, the parent can contact the superintendent.
Communication goals:
1) Accessibility: we will remain accessible to parents and will make every effort to respond to phone messages, emails, and written communication promptly. We ask that parents remember that schools are VERY busy places and that sometimes delays in returning phone calls, emails, etc., are unavoidable. We ask that parents provide schools with updated phone numbers, addresses, and email addresses so that delays in communication do not occur.
2) Honesty: we will communicate honestly with parents and community members. We understand that parents have uninhibited access to information about their child/children. We also understand that information about other students cannot be shared under any circumstances.
3) Respect: we will be respectful to parents and will model the behavior that we expect from students. We will not use vulgar language, insults, or condescending remarks in order to belittle others. We expect parents to do the same.
4) Patience: we will be patient with parents and community members just as we are with students. We all understand that when issues arise involving our own children, we are justifiably passionate and often very emotional. We ask that parents remember that teachers and administrators do what they do because they love kids and want only the best for them. We will never “retaliate” against a child as a result of a disagreement or unpleasant communication between adults.