Title I
Title I of the Improving American Schools Act of 1994 is a federally funded program designed to meet the special needs of educationally disadvantaged students. Nathanael Greene Primary and Elementary School students who demonstrate below grade level achievement in reading and/or language arts may receive supplemental instruction from Title I resource teachers. Our goal is to help students meet the Virginia standards of learning.
SOL Testing in Title I Schools
In kindergarten through eighth grade, all students in Virginia are expected to take the tests required by the Virginia Board of Education. These tests include the end of year Standards of Learning Assessments offered in grades three through 12. Parents of students in Title 1 schools have the right to request information on the policies, procedures and rights to opt students out of end of year assessments. If you would like to receive information about this topic, please contact Dr. Donna Payne, GCPS director of teaching and learning, at 434-939-9000.