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Home Instruction

In accordance with Section 22.1-254.1 of the Code of Virginia, a parent may elect to provide home instruction for his or her school-age child in lieu of public school attendance.

Next Steps

Begin by exploring options that will work for your family.  They vary widely, from creating your own curriculum from scratch, to using created curriculum, to registering with a correspondence school.  Once you have decided on the curriculum you intend to use, you will begin the process of providing the necessary paperwork to the division for approval.  Please note – if you are choosing to withdraw your child from public school during the school year to home school, you must provide the Intent to Provide Home Instruction form to the homeschool coordinator before your child can stop attending school.  Once you submit that form, you have 30 days to submit the remaining required documentation.


You will need to complete an Intent to Provide Home Instruction form or write a letter containing the same information. Follow the steps to fill out the form completely. This, plus the additional required attachments, must be turned into the Homeschool Coordinator.

Definition of Parent

For this purpose, the Code of Virginia defines parent as a biological parent, adoptive parent, guardian, or other person having control or charge of a child.

Qualification by Parent or Guardian (one of four required):

1.  The parent or guardian holds a high school diploma or higher.

2.  The parent or guardian is a teacher of qualifications prescribed by the Virginia Board of Education.

3.  The parent or guardian provides a program of study or curriculum, which may be delivered through a correspondence course or distance learning program.

4.  The parent or guardian provides evidence that he or she is able to provide adequate education for their child.

Annual Requirements

By August 1, the parent or guardian must provide evidence of educational achievement as prescribed in Section 22.1-254.1 of the Code of Virginia.

By August 15, the parent or guardian must complete and turn in the Notice of Intent to Provide Home Instruction with all required documentation attached.

Please consider sending your notice of intent for the upcoming school year when you send your evidence of achievement.


Once the information is submitted, it is reviewed for compliance with Section 22.1-254.1 of the Code of Virginia. Once it is found to satisfy the requirements, a letter will be sent to the parent or guardian indicating this.


Any questions regarding home instruction should be directed to the Homeschool Coordinator, Amanda Cruey.  

Home instruction paperwork, including notice of intent forms and evidence of achievement, can be submitted by email, fax, or mail to:

Phone:  (434) 939-9000
Fax:  (434) 985-4686
Mail:  P.O. Box 1140, Stanardsville, VA 22973

If you would prefer to bring paperwork by in person, the Greene County Public Schools' School Board office is located at 40 Celt Road, Stanardsville, VA 22973


Amanda Cruey

Faculty Information

Central Office
School Social Worker (Foster Care Liaison and McKinney-Vento Liaison)

Contact Information

School Email

Driver Education for Home Schoolers

For driver education information for home schoolers, please visit the DMV